Emotions are what shape us into what we are today, and
obviously, it is important. You might be having a good laugh at a text message
or feeling frustrated when the day doesn’t go as planned, and in the end you
will know that highs and lows you experience can significantly affect your
well-being. Tony Robbins, the famous entrepreneur and best-selling author once
said that our feelings do not arise from the facts but it actually come from
the meaning that we interpret from the facts (Anthony Robbins, 2007).
There are studies pointed out that people fail to
manipulate their self-control especially when they are in negative emotions
such as anger, anxiety, fear and sadness (Chester et al., 2016). But the questions
is, are you going to let it knock you down or are you going to master it to
empower and enlighten the path that you are enduring in life? There are 3 simple tips given by Anthony Robbins to
help us to overcome negative emotions and improve the situation (Anthony
Robbins, 2007).
The Story We
Tell Ourselves
We constantly decide what the events and experiences
in our life mean, unconsciously. The same story given to a person, with a different
perspective, the outcome could be completely different. Let’s take an example
of a disabled child. He can be a person who devalues himself all the time, and
thinks that he doesn’t deserve to be loved due to his natural capabilities. BUT
he can also take the opposite approach where he considers the fact that his
parents still shower him with endless patience and love. The former story
creates a sense of loss and the latter celebrates his life and his worth. The
story that he is going to choose is definitely going to affect his whole life.
Trade Your
Expectations to Appreciation
We are wired in the way that we will tell ourselves
stories that make us discouraged when we could be feeling joy because we always
want to prepare ourselves for the worst situation. Yet, we can change this by
trading our expectations to appreciations. The disabled child will have expected
that he should be born as a normal child, and this could ruin his whole life.
BUT he has a choice to appreciate that his parents still treat him like a
normal person by not judging and abandon him in children’s home. And this is
the power of changing his expectations to appreciations.
Taking Back
The only thing that keeping you from what you want is
always yourself. It is totally up to you to decide whether to offer yourself a
new core of belief or to put yourself into the most painful and traumatic
events. Bear in mind that although we cannot control the events that happen in
our lives, we can still master how we experience these events.
Experience often shapes ability. It’s time to be the boss
to your feelings rather than being control and act like a slave. This direction
that the emotions are leading you to is determined by how you think and how you
manipulate. When you come up with a meaning, you can then get a new
perspective, and lead to a new life. Smile and let it go!
Anthony Robbins (2007) Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! New York: Free Press.
Chester, D.S., Lynam, D.R., Milich, R., Powell, D.K.,
Anderson, A.H. and DeWall, C.N. (2016) How do negative emotions impair
self-control? A neutral model of negative
urgency. Neurolmage [online], V.132, pp. 43-50.
Available through ScienceDirect.
[Accessed: 29th July 2017]
By: Yau Che Yan, BAF1541
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