How to Study Smart

Why do some students study very hard, spending most of their time doing their revision but they aren’t the best in their study group? And why are there some students who only spend a fraction of the time studying but they often get good or even outstanding results? This was not due to the lack of natural talent in studies but it simply means that they have not found an effective tool which acts as a knack for understanding concepts and learning new ideas. One of the smart study habits is by using mind-map to promote effective and accelerated learning experience. A mind map is a useful web-like structure which emphasizes visual imagery that helps to engage in critical thinking and seeing a bigger picture. Empirically, mind-mapping is proven as an effective method of note-taking as an active learning (Abi-El-Mona and Abd-Ei-Khalick, 2008; Liu, Zhao and Ma et al., 2014). Mind mapping makes learning more vivid, thus promotes creative thinking and encourages brainstorming. Th

HEALTH is an ONgoing TREND

The new interest in trend starts with healthy eating this year. Perhaps never before have there been so many demands on health behavior and fitness concepts and goods and services in this current industry. There is increasing concern over the rapidly rising health care cost that shows the increased consumer awareness of health consciousness in the current industry trend. The rise in the value of Fitbit Inc, a provider of health and fitness devices (worth $1.5 billion) in recent years reveals the truth that the market is trending towards more healthy-conscious lifestyle (Fitbit, 2017).

This is then supported by FranchiseHelp (2017) where the figures show that over 54 million Americans paid gym membership fees in 2014, the visits to the gym exceeds 5 billion for the second year in a row! The memberships have grown 18.6% from the year 2008 to 2014, and the trend continued in 2015. Not just the people who go to gym, the entrepreneurs have taken this as a golden opportunity and there were 34 thousand fitness centers, which is an increase of 6.4% over 2013. 2014 revenue of $24.2 billion was also a significant 7.4% rise over $22.4 billion in 2013.

The growth of gym businesses signals the increasing concern for health and fitness among the people. In the other words, the consumers are more likely to keep a balanced diet where healthy eating is on the top of their mind now than ever before. This “health-oriented” lifestyle provides great impact in altering risky habits, as the public is aware of the role of healthy lifestyle in disease prevention now. Hence, the alteration in exercise and dietary behaviors has become the biggest lifestyle changes in year 2017!

As the world is giving way to Generation Z, which is the most health-centric consumer group, it is essentially important to make an effort to maintain as active and health-conscious lifestyle as possible regardless of race, socio-economic class and geographic region, before you get kicked out of the trend. Health is more important than wealth, so start the healthy habits today!


Fitbit (2017). Fitbit Reports $299M in Revenue, Sells 3M Devices in Q1 ‘17, Reaffirms FY17 Guidance.  [online], 5th March 2017.
[Accessed 30 Jun. 2017].

FranchiseHelp (2017). Fitness Industry Analysis 2017 - Cost & Trends. [online]
[Accessed 30 Jun. 2017].

By: Yau Che Yan, BAF1541
